Mother's Day Deadlines
Some of our products have different shipping times and deadlines. Please read below for details.
MEXISTUFF TOP SELLER PRODUCTS: Our most popular products (La Jefa Bundle, Concha PANtuflas, FLOHO Hoodies, Burrito Blankets, etc) found in our top seller collection here have the following deadlines:
Standard Shipping (2-4 Days): Orders must be placed by May 10 to receive for Mother's Day using this shipping method. It is possible that some orders might arrive in time if placed May 11 however that is based on distance from Utah. (These information is provided to us by USPS and we cannot 100% guarantee it. We are located in Utah and so the closer your state is to us the more chances it will arrive in the time frames USPS provides)
Express Shipping (1-2 Days): These products can be shipped via Express shipping but in order for the express shipping option to appear at checkout the cart must contain ONLY Mexistuff Top Seller Products. Orders must be placed by May 11 to receive before Mother's Day using this shipping method.
CATEGORY 2 PRODUCTS: T-Shirts, Sweatshirts, Hoodies, Women’s Shirts, Stuffed Pillows, Drawstring Bags, Posters.
Standard Shipping: Orders must be placed by May 5 to receive before Mother's Day. Using this shipping method.
Express Shipping: These products can be shipped via Express shipping but in order for the express shipping option to appear at checkout the cart must contain ONLY category 2 products. Orders must be placed by May 10 to receive before
Mother's Day using this shipping method.
CATEGORY 3 PRODUCTS: Kids Shirts, Mugs.
Standard Shipping: Orders must be placed by May 10 to receive before Mother's Day. Using this shipping method.
Express Shipping: These products can be shipped via Express shipping but in order for the express shipping option to appear at checkout the cart must contain ONLY category 3 products. Orders must be placed by May 12 to receive before Mother's Day using this shipping method.
BLANKETS: All blankets with the exception of the following: Burrito blanket, Avocado Blanket, & Concha Blanket.
Standard Shipping (2-4 days): Orders must be placed by May 9 to receive before Mother's Day using this shipping method. There is no express shipping for these products.
INDIVIDUAL STICKERS & PINS: This applies to individual stickers and pins only and NOT sticker packs.
Standard Shipping: Orders must be placed by May 9 to receive before Mother's Day. Using this shipping method.
Express Shipping: These products can be shipped via Express shipping but in order for the express shipping option to appear at checkout the cart must contain ONLY individual stickers & pins. Orders must be placed by May 12 to receive before Mother's Day using this shipping method.